After establishing that energy levels were going to be slow to rise we decided begin with our focus on strength training.
This obviously followed the customary green tea ceremony and joint mobility.
1. deadlift 5-8 reps/4 sets
(turned out we ended up doing a few one arm deadlfits - a good lift for reinforcing the need to stay tight for successful strength training. Thanks to James Bower for leading the way.)
2. incline dumbbell press 5-8/4
3. back or front squat 5-8/4
4. abdominal roll out using sling suspension 5-8/4
technique review followed:
1.Single arm clean and jerk 6 minutes
just to finish off and move around a bit, a 6 minute circuit
- partner and bungee resisted run out 45 sec (well done to Nicky for holding on to James Bower even whilst bouncing down the studio on your head)
- mountain climber 45 sec
- burpee 45 sec
- bear walk 45 sec
...then it was showers and off for some Nandos...
With many thanks to SportsBeans (lemon and lime) for providing the energy and Clipper for the green tea, the antidote for all the chemicals in the Jelly Beans.
ps. Next session is Sunday December 16th 09.30am - 12 midday at Balance