An invitation to contribute

The Industrial Strength London blog features different athletes, performers and fighters, professionals and amateur, men and women, from any and every background who demonstrate they have industrial strength qualities.

Do you, or do you know someone who has industrial strength levels of athleticism, mental strength, toughness, determination?

We are looking out for sports reports, news reports, video, interviews, articles and first hand observations from around the world.

Keep checking back to see what we come up with, and make some suggestions of your own.

Monday, 29 October 2007

A strength training, kettlebell clean and jerk and bodyweight circuit session.

Thanks to a logistical problem called Cj Swaby there was some confusion about the time but for the brave who were able to make it on Saturday at 4pm rather than 2pm we had a good session. Based on first reports the training left its mark.

After establishing that energy levels were going to be slow to rise we decided begin with our focus on strength training.

This obviously followed the customary green tea ceremony and joint mobility.


1. deadlift 5-8 reps/4 sets

(turned out we ended up doing a few one arm deadlfits - a good lift for reinforcing the need to stay tight for successful strength training. Thanks to James Bower for leading the way.)

2. incline dumbbell press 5-8/4

3. back or front squat 5-8/4

4. abdominal roll out using sling suspension 5-8/4


technique review followed:
1.Single arm clean and jerk 6 minutes


just to finish off and move around a bit, a 6 minute circuit

  • partner and bungee resisted run out 45 sec (well done to Nicky for holding on to James Bower even whilst bouncing down the studio on your head)
rest 45 sec
  • mountain climber 45 sec
rest 45 sec
  • burpee 45 sec
rest 45 sec
  • bear walk 45 sec
rest 45 sec

...then it was showers and off for some Nandos...

With many thanks to SportsBeans (lemon and lime) for providing the energy and Clipper for the green tea, the antidote for all the chemicals in the Jelly Beans.


ps. Next session is Sunday December 16th 09.30am - 12 midday at Balance

Tuesday, 23 October 2007

Industrial Strength session this Saturday (27th) - 4pm

The world cup is over, Chabal performed no miracles and South Africa are the Champions.

But more importantly we will be having an Industrial strength session this Saturday.

Kick off 4pm, finish at 6pm. A bit shorter than our lazy Sunday sessions. So we will be prompt to begin.

We will be indoors at Balance Performance Physiotherapy - click here for a map.

If you would like to come along but have not been before give me a call and I can give you a better idea whether it will satisfy you or not.

07960 861 267

Friday, 12 October 2007

Rugby World Cup - an outstanding French athlete

Sebastien Chabal - this guy seems to me like a true athlete/warrior. He is calm, tough and effective. He hasnt always been like this apparently, his coaches of old have suggested attitude adjustments and he has taken them on board. This must be true because i read it in The Currant Bun online:

The last time we put a picture on the net without permission it cost £2,000.00!! So I'm playing it safe with links now.

To see two of his most recent and devastatingly big hits take a look here - if you are a Kiwi it may not be a good idea to go here!



Here he is just scoring a try against a non-Kiwi side:

He has a great beard too.

What wil this guy do to England I wonder?