An invitation to contribute

The Industrial Strength London blog features different athletes, performers and fighters, professionals and amateur, men and women, from any and every background who demonstrate they have industrial strength qualities.

Do you, or do you know someone who has industrial strength levels of athleticism, mental strength, toughness, determination?

We are looking out for sports reports, news reports, video, interviews, articles and first hand observations from around the world.

Keep checking back to see what we come up with, and make some suggestions of your own.

Friday, 20 April 2007

(Re)Learning to Relax by Steve Cotter

Sometimes there is no point in re-inventing the wheel - read Steve Cotters most recent blog - April 17, 2007 (Re)Learning to Relax . If you have only trained with kettlebells aggressively, sprinting with them, you will not have experienced their full potential. We need to have more than one gear - both physically and mentally. Take a read and let me know what you think......

Tuesday, 17 April 2007

Monkey laterals, January 2007

James Bower shares some of his monkey moves with us at the last Industrial Strength London meeting in January, 2007.

Wednesday, 4 April 2007

Steve Cotter kettlebell courses: March 2007

After 3 workshops organised by myself and Jason Dean, a days teaching for Bj Rule in London and another afternoon in Barcelona for Michael de Acevedo and Natalia Marquez, Steve Cotter has returned to San Diego. He managed to cram all of this into a 10 day trip; this guy has some serious energy!

It was an absolute pleasure to have him stay at our
home for a few days and be on the road with him up to Sale and Harrogate. I got to know Steve a little better and he is a man of intelligence, passion for his family and the physical and martial arts as well as a great sense of humour.

The information and knowledge he passed onto the participants was first class. Many of us already had experience with kettlebells but as we anticipated Steve furthered our understanding by demonstrating, explaining and then letting us experience how small and subtle adjustments to our approach make significant differences to the feel and possibilities of our training. The changes were both physical, positional, postural, intellectual and psychological.

Steve focussed on the classical Russian kettlebell lifts of swing, clean, jerk and snatch; and this is where there was most to learn.

We started in London where we were lucky to have Simon Clohessy as an ally as he organised Cannons Health club in Fulham to be our host for two full days of lifting and learning.

We then moved on to Sale in Cheshire. Here Jason secured us a studio to use for a smaller workshop in Fitness First. Our accommodation was unconventional as was our evening entertainment but we had a fun time.

At Harrogate our venue was the National Centre for Combat Martial Arts, the space created by Stuart Agar, an incredibly generous and friendly man who invited Steve, Jason Dean and me into his family home and even prepared porridge for breakfast. It was at the NCCMA that we also got to try out some great bodyweight animal moves from Steve's arsenal. I have already got my eldest daughter Lucy onto the crocodile, frog and tiger!

At the end of it all we are much wiser for the experience and have had the opportunity to both draw together and widen the community of kettlebell lifters in the uk.

Much gratitude and thanks to Steve Cotter, Jason Dean, Simon Clohessy, Stuart Agar and everyone else who helped us out and attended one of the workshops.

kind regards,
Jonathan Lewis