Industrial Strength London - session 19th January 2008.
This one was for a select crew.....the cover models to the right.
The idea was to do a total conditioning session, a drop of strength work, moderate rep kettlebell sets of the essential Russian kettlebell drills of snatch, clean and jerk, and swing.
A large helping of bodyweight drills, trunk strength (core stability for readers in the fitness industry), some density training (a la Charles Staley), and despite the unsavoury nature of it I put 1k on the treadmill mto the circuit.
There were minimal rest periods, a maximum in quality movement, and optimal use of time.
How it shaped up:
- Joint mobility warm up - Glenn Cumiskey led us through a completely floor based and thoroughly effective routine that targeted the hips, pelvis, spine and shoulder girdle.
- The duration of each of the circuits 12 sections was approximately 4 minutes. As soon as each of the exercises listed was completed you start again
- the rest between each piece lasted only long enough to qualify what the next section entailed for each of us.
- 4 min (or 1km) treadmill run
- dynamic flexibility style "straight leg swing", "high side reach"
- kettlebell clean and jerk
- drop squat 10, mountain climber 20, step back lunge 10, press up 10
- hand to hand kettlebell swing 20, jingo (step back stay low) 20, high speed sit up 10
- penetration lunge 10, rolling press up 10, squat jump 10
- kettlebell snatch 10, burpee 5, snatch 10, rest count 10
- Barbell back squat - density style (i.e max reps in available time)
- TRX suspension abdominal rollout 10, TRX tuck from prone support 10, high tension knee in from plank or prone support posn 10
- weighted side flexion with reach to sky of unweighted hand 10
- handstand hold 20 count, atlas jumps 20 (thanks Phill Ireland for making me do the atlasjumps last weekend at his thai boxing pad work course)
- 1 arm rows 5, grasshoppers 20
All in all it was a satisfying way to spend a Saturday afternoon.
Next session will also be at Balance Performance Physiotherapy on
Sunday March 9th - 9.30am - 12pm
1 comment:
These sessions organised by Jon Lewis and attended by a loose collective of athletes for all walks of life are increasingly becoming an important feature in my social calender. It's a great opportunity to train with the best and be exposed to a dizzying array of new training ideas and movement patterns. And when the sweat clears, I always find my enthusiasm for learning and developing new skill sets renewed. Thanks for a great workout Jon and CJ. Until next time.
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